
Apvsys is ranked 173 in the United Kingdom. 'Health Insurance - Life, Medical, Dental Insurance. Single And Couples Health Insurance.'

173Rank in United Kingdom

162Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed213,498,180
Monthly visits 25,331,169
Value per visitor£0.03
Estimated worth£8.52 Million
External links2
Number of pages840

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries11.40%11.30%
Bangladesh 50 1.60%1.00%
Austria 95 0.90%0.90%
Belgium 95 0.90%1.50%
Switzerland 96 0.80%0.80%
Germany 98 7.60%7.40%
Netherlands 103 1.70%1.80%
Singapore 137 0.60%0.70%
France 138 4.90%4.90%
Czech Republic 146 0.70%0.70%
Pakistan 149 1.30%1.20%
Spain 150 2.90%2.80%
South Africa 152 0.90%0.80%
India 157 9.50%8.80%
Finland 158 0.50%0.40%
Romania 158 0.80%0.70%
Poland 169 2.00%2.10%
Australia 173 1.50%1.30%
United Kingdom 173 3.80%3.50%
Thailand 176 1.10%1.00%
Portugal 178 0.60%0.50%
Philippines 181 0.70%0.60%
Brazil 182 3.40%3.20%
Indonesia 184 1.60%1.40%
Russia 184 4.70%4.70%
Canada 185 2.20%2.00%
Sweden 186 0.70%0.70%
Ukraine 204 0.70%0.70%
Italy 216 2.20%2.00%
Nigeria 223 0.50%0.50%
Malaysia 237 0.60%0.50%
Mexico 243 1.50%1.50%
Greece 245 0.70%0.60%
Argentina 275 0.70%0.60%
United States 327 11.70%10.40%
Turkey 335 1.00%0.90%
Japan 352 4.00%4.00%
Taiwan 377 0.50%0.50%
China 385 5.30%9.60%
Korea 412 0.70%1.20%
Iran 670 0.50%0.50%

The majority of visitors come from Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria & Bangladesh.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank1625
Daily Visitors1,433,800 -6.90%
Daily Visitors Rank1444
Daily Pageviews2,783,242 -4.92%
Daily Pageviews Rank3124
Pageviews Per User2.75+2.2%

Topics: Cholesterol, Topamax, Ab Circle Pro Reviews, Cheap Health Insurance, Health Insurance Companies, and Aetna Health Insurance.

Category: 'Open Source/Project Hosting' & 'Development/Sources'

Age: It went live on December 22nd 1994, making it over 23 years, 3 months old.

1,567,800 users visit the site each day, each viewing 2.75 pages.

Server Location
Cybercon Inc.
United States
37.300275, -93.339844, and are its DNS Nameservers. It is hosted by Cybercon Inc. Missouri, using Apache/2 web server. It is written for PHP/5.2.17 language.


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Web Server: Apache/2

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The server is slower than 49% of measured websites, at 1459 milliseconds. Also a time of 11.5 ms, is recorded in a ping test.

Server Setup
Server:Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
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