
Facebook is ranked 82,962 in the United Kingdom. 'Facebook Platform Developer Forum.'

82,962Rank in United Kingdom

51,439Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed601,398
Monthly visits 135,550
Value per visitor£0.33
Estimated worth£45,868.88
External links6,560
Number of pages147,900

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries24.40%26.00%
Tunisia 12,071 0.60%0.40%
Colombia 15,046 1.40%1.10%
Argentina 15,341 1.60%3.20%
Morocco 16,389 0.60%0.40%
Indonesia 17,257 4.70%3.30%
Bangladesh 17,572 1.50%1.20%
Egypt 19,509 0.90%0.70%
Mexico 20,990 3.50%3.00%
Taiwan 21,131 1.10%0.90%
Romania 21,689 1.30%1.40%
Vietnam 22,976 1.00%1.10%
Turkey 25,675 2.60%2.10%
Pakistan 30,087 1.90%4.80%
Poland 31,397 2.50%2.70%
India 33,294 16.70%12.60%
Australia 35,872 1.90%1.60%
Greece 37,639 0.70%0.50%
Brazil 37,955 3.00%3.70%
Spain 40,619 3.10%2.20%
Canada 63,860 1.30%1.60%
Germany 68,338 3.80%3.30%
France 69,109 2.50%1.90%
Russia 72,036 3.30%2.60%
Italy 81,181 0.80%0.80%
United Kingdom 82,962 2.00%2.00%
China 90,254 2.80%8.90%
United States 98,115 8.20%5.80%

It is most popular in the countries, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Morocco, Argentina, Colombia & Tunisia.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank43,2268,759
Daily Visitors10,272 -21.19%
Daily Visitors Rank32,8586,536
Daily Pageviews10,353 -22.75%
Daily Pageviews Rank97,92317,337
Pageviews Per User1.44 -2.04%

Age: The domain is 14 years and 0 months old.

The estimated 11,232 daily visitors, each view 1.44 pages on average.
