
Garmincdn is ranked 55,857 in the United Kingdom. 'SAMPLE TRAINING SYLLABUS AND FLIGHT LESSONS FOR USE BY FLIGHT ..'

55,857Rank in United Kingdom

100,010Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed303,912
Monthly visits 85,381
Value per visitor£0.08
Estimated worth£29,062.11
External links861
Number of pages6,570

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries16.70%22.70%
Belgium 11,613 5.00%5.80%
Switzerland 15,131 3.00%3.80%
United States 31,892 45.90%38.20%
Spain 40,538 5.00%5.10%
Canada 43,536 4.00%4.20%
Germany 50,139 8.60%10.70%
United Kingdom 55,857 6.00%5.20%
Italy 64,537 2.30%1.70%
France 90,288 3.50%2.60%

The majority of visitors come from Germany, Canada, Spain, United States, Switzerland & Belgium.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank84,042 -8,305
Daily Visitors5,478+6%
Daily Visitors Rank62,409 -6,446
Daily Pageviews4,951+5%
Daily Pageviews Rank192,435 -20,256
Pageviews Per User1.27 -0.78%

5,990 users visit the site each day, each viewing 1.27 pages.
