
Guinessworldrecords is ranked 11,757 in the United Kingdom. 'Guinness World Records - Home of the Longest, Shortest, Fastest ..'

11,757Rank in United Kingdom

26,595Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed2,381,400
Monthly visits 661,500
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth£222,809.38
External links22,149
Number of pages180

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries17.80%17.60%
Trinidad and Tobago 901 1.00%3.00%
Dominican Republic 4,616 0.80%0.50%
Portugal 5,539 1.80%3.20%
Croatia 6,720 0.50%0.50%
Other countries 7,380 0.70%0.30%
Malaysia 9,926 1.40%2.10%
Greece 10,086 1.30%1.40%
Saudi Arabia 10,522 1.20%0.90%
Egypt 11,423 0.70%0.90%
Bangladesh 11,488 0.90%1.10%
United Kingdom 11,757 6.10%6.80%
Mexico 13,215 2.60%2.50%
Argentina 14,755 1.00%1.00%
Indonesia 14,934 1.90%2.90%
Pakistan 15,947 2.60%1.60%
United States 16,929 19.50%23.20%
Philippines 17,183 1.20%1.00%
Netherlands 17,732 2.10%1.00%
India 17,826 14.10%12.00%
Australia 18,987 1.60%1.80%
Canada 20,096 2.20%2.60%
Iran 23,068 0.80%0.90%
Italy 24,032 1.40%1.90%
Turkey 24,493 1.40%0.70%
Spain 26,432 2.20%1.60%
Romania 27,146 0.50%0.40%
Brazil 30,928 2.20%1.20%
Poland 40,113 0.90%1.00%
France 40,486 2.60%1.00%
Germany 60,552 1.90%1.80%
Russia 64,241 2.10%0.90%
China 139,841 1.10%0.80%

It is most popular in the countries, Malaysia, Croatia, Portugal, Dominican Republic & Trinidad and Tobago.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank22,3491,197
Daily Visitors14,124 -6.54%
Daily Visitors Rank23,343643
Daily Pageviews38,710 -15.38%
Daily Pageviews Rank26,3193,062
Pageviews Per User3.89 -9.32%

Category: 'Television/Educational' & 'Reference/World Records'

Age: The domain is 19 years and 0 months old.

The estimated 15,444 daily visitors, each view 3.89 pages on average.
