
Oron is ranked 9,356 in the United Kingdom. 'Download Doctor Adventures Shazia Sahari wmv.'

9,356Rank in United Kingdom

2,752Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed3,284,971
Monthly visits 2,415,420
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth£812,836.55
External links22,775
Number of pages492,000

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries12.10%11.90%
Kuwait 2,439 0.80%0.80%
Kazakhstan 3,096 1.40%1.20%
Egypt 3,701 1.30%1.20%
Czech Republic 3,768 1.50%1.60%
Indonesia 3,815 3.30%3.30%
Bangladesh 3,880 1.30%1.00%
Saudi Arabia 4,807 1.40%1.10%
Turkey 5,236 2.40%2.60%
Switzerland 5,341 1.00%1.10%
Malaysia 5,363 1.30%1.30%
Colombia 5,824 0.80%0.80%
Greece 5,967 1.10%1.00%
Algeria 6,065 0.60%0.50%
Belgium 6,268 1.20%1.10%
Portugal 6,362 0.80%0.70%
Germany 6,880 6.70%6.50%
Japan 7,486 7.40%9.80%
Italy 7,729 2.20%2.00%
Netherlands 7,762 1.90%1.60%
Ukraine 8,201 1.00%1.00%
Canada 8,350 2.30%2.50%
Argentina 8,583 0.90%0.70%
Thailand 8,619 1.30%1.30%
Vietnam 9,251 0.60%0.50%
Mexico 9,345 1.80%1.60%
United Kingdom 9,356 3.40%3.50%
Australia 9,481 1.40%1.50%
Spain 9,900 2.20%2.70%
Austria 10,135 0.70%0.60%
Poland 10,269 1.50%2.00%
Pakistan 10,980 1.50%1.30%
Brazil 11,098 2.90%2.40%
South Africa 11,245 0.70%0.60%
Sweden 13,065 0.60%0.50%
France 13,081 2.90%2.60%
Russia 14,928 3.40%3.00%
United States 15,963 10.30%9.10%
Philippines 15,982 0.50%0.60%
India 16,731 6.70%6.20%
China 26,728 2.80%4.80%

It is most popular in the countries, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Kazakhstan & Kuwait.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank2,3131,376
Daily Visitors126,260 -53.55%
Daily Visitors Rank2,1521,216
Daily Pageviews259,719 -65.35%
Daily Pageviews Rank3,7302,500
Pageviews Per User2.91 -25.58%

Age: It went live on June 1st 2001, making it over 16 years, 10 months old.

The estimated 138,060 daily visitors, each view 2.91 pages on average.


Its local IP address is, and are its DNS Nameservers.


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Website load time is 1309 milliseconds, slower than 55% of other measured websites. As well, a ping to the server is timed at 108 ms.