
Relivehistory44-45 is ranked 18,074,188 in the United Kingdom. 'Relive History 44-45.'

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Estimated worth£282.09
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Number of pages45

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


Topics: Wwii Veterans & Family, Lectures, Students & Teachers, and Honoring & Research.

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Description:Relive History 44-45 arranges a variety of different guided battlefield tours. You and your colleagues, relatives or friends will join us and our expert guides to visit the battlefields and hear the real stories of the men who fought there. All tours are 'private tours', this means we only take your group on tour, so you can experience it all with your colleagues, relatives or friends. Our tours are not packed with just facts and figures, the information presented to our group of clients is suited for that group; little or no prior knowledge on the subject is not a problem. We enjoy sharing our stories with you and answering your questions. Each individual tour is adjusted to the group present that day, the way the information is given to a group of students differs from a group of historians or military personel.
Abstract:Relive History is an organisation with the aim to keep certain historic events, as they happened in 1944 and 1945, alive for posterity. Through battlefield tours and lectures we will lead you over the battlefields of yesteryear. We specialise in WWII US Airborne troops and the 101st Airborne Division in particular. We continue to preserve history and expand the carefully conceived and executed heritage itineraries inspired by the troopers who fought for our freedom.
Keywords:relive,history,1944,1945,WWII,WO2,us,101st,airborne,501,502,506,PIR,GIR,geronimo,battlefield,tour,lectures,freedom,bastogne,eindhoven,normandy,american,cemetery,margraten,henri-chapelle,operation market garden,battle of the bulge,second world war,united states,di