
Updowner is ranked 4,398 in the United Kingdom. ' sites statistics, web ranks, web page analysis.'

4,398Rank in United Kingdom

3,835Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed11,976,854
Monthly visits 1,085,465
Value per visitor£0.10
Estimated worth£365,468.4
External links5,989
Number of pages195

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries10.90%12.20%
Finland 677 4.00%2.30%
Portugal 1,408 1.60%2.60%
Poland 1,599 3.70%13.70%
Slovakia 1,932 0.70%1.10%
Ireland 2,029 1.10%0.70%
Pakistan 2,098 2.80%2.50%
Bangladesh 2,404 0.80%1.30%
Belgium 2,405 1.40%2.20%
India 2,508 17.80%15.40%
Nigeria 2,659 1.00%0.90%
Denmark 3,464 0.70%0.60%
Philippines 3,699 1.00%1.10%
Spain 3,723 3.20%2.90%
Hungary 3,863 0.60%0.50%
Indonesia 4,081 1.70%1.50%
South Africa 4,082 0.80%1.40%
Romania 4,203 0.70%0.70%
Turkey 4,397 1.60%1.50%
United Kingdom 4,398 4.10%2.90%
Australia 4,630 1.20%2.60%
Netherlands 4,725 1.40%1.90%
Germany 4,813 5.30%4.30%
Saudi Arabia 4,919 0.80%0.50%
Greece 5,019 0.60%0.80%
Canada 5,059 2.20%1.60%
Sweden 5,328 0.80%0.80%
Ukraine 5,787 0.80%0.60%
France 5,816 3.50%2.40%
Brazil 6,422 2.70%2.10%
Russia 7,204 3.70%2.70%
Thailand 8,069 0.80%0.60%
Mexico 10,858 0.80%0.70%
Italy 11,516 0.90%0.50%
United States 11,970 7.80%5.80%
China 14,237 3.80%3.00%
Japan 16,550 2.70%0.90%

Pakistan, Ireland, Slovakia, Poland, Portugal & Finland are where most visitors come from.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank3,2231,813
Daily Visitors89,024 -58.63%
Daily Visitors Rank3,1841,965
Daily Pageviews215,908 -42.92%
Daily Pageviews Rank4,5451,932
Pageviews Per User3.44+38%

The site has about 97,344 users daily, viewing on average 3.44 pages each.


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